Banking Industry, as we all know is a very competitive sector and staying ahead of the curve and achieving operational excellence is very crucial. Through means and strategies, banks are really exploring different realms to stay and thrive in the game and one key strategy that has been popular is banks preferring to outsource certain non-core and monotonous aspects of their business through a Manpower Outsourcing Partner. And this has really given them a great edge in optimizing their operations and driving efficiency.

In this article, we will explore the concept and delve into the numerous benefits associated with manpower outsourcing in the banking sector. Additionally, real-life examples and statistics will be presented to illustrate the tangible advantages that outsourcing brings to banks.


Understanding Strategic Manpower Outsourcing in Banking

What it means

Strategic manpower outsourcing in banking refers to the practice of partnering with specialized external service providers to delegate certain non-core functions or even entire business processes. These providers, equipped with the necessary expertise and resources, assume responsibility for delivering high-quality services while allowing the bank to focus on its core activities.

Identifying Non-Core Functions

Though it might not be tough to identify Non-core functions and particularly in banks, there is a wide range of complex operations, including customer service, information technology, human resources, risk management, and compliance, among others. Strategic manpower outsourcing involves identifying non-core functions that can be effectively handled by external experts, thus enabling the bank to streamline its operations and prioritize core activities.


Benefits of Strategic Manpower Outsourcing in Banking

The benefits that follow are immense and let’s explore some popular ones:

Cost Efficiency

  • Significant reduction of operational costs is perhaps the 1st one that comes is and the main reason for businesses to adopt Outsourcing. In fact, 59% of businesses rely on outsourcing to cut cost
  • By leveraging external expertise, banks can avoid the expenses associated with hiring, training, and managing in-house employees.
  • Additionally, outsourcing enables the bank to access cost-effective solutions, enhanced technology, and economies of scale that may not be feasible internally.

Enhanced Focus on Core Activities

  • Just as highlighted before, Outsourcing allows banks to redirect their valuable resources and attention towards their core business needs and strategic objectives.
  • By entrusting non-core functions to specialized service providers, banks can ensure that vital activities related to risk management, compliance, and customer service receive the necessary attention and expertise.

Access to Expertise

  • Partnering with external providers grants banks access to specialized knowledge and skills that may not be readily available in-house.
  • Specialized outsourcing firms possess extensive experience in their respective fields and are equipped with the latest tools and technology, enabling banks to tap into a high level of expertise without the need for internal development.


  • Outsourcing provides banks with the flexibility to adjust their workforce and resources to meet fluctuating demands and changing market conditions.
  • As the banking industry experiences periodic volume fluctuations, outsourcing enables banks to upscale or downscale operations swiftly, without the burden of maintaining a fixed and potentially underutilized internal workforce.

Risk Mitigation

  • Strategic manpower outsourcing allows banks to transfer certain risks associated with non-core functions to external service providers.
  • Specialized outsourcing firms often have established risk management processes in place, reducing the bank’s exposure to potential operational vulnerabilities.
  • By diversifying their service providers, banks can also mitigate the risk of dependency on a single entity, ensuring business continuity even in the face of disruptions.


Real-life examples of strategic manpower outsourcing in banking

There are many real-life examples of strategic manpower outsourcing in banking. Here are a few examples:

In 2017, a well-known bank outsourced its IT operations. This move was expected to save $1 billion over five years for the bank.

In 2018, another multinational bank outsourced its customer service operations. This move was expected to improve the efficiency and quality of the bank’s customer service.

In 2019, another multinational bank outsourced its facilities management operations. This move was expected to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the bank’s facilities.


Statistical data on the use of strategic manpower outsourcing in banking

Statistical data also supports the benefits of strategic manpower outsourcing. According to a survey by a well-known audit firm(1), 78% of companies that outsource report cost savings, and 59% report improved efficiency. Another survey (1) found that 85% of companies that outsource report improved service quality, and 79% report improved innovation. These statistics demonstrate the potential benefits of strategic manpower outsourcing in the banking industry.


FAQs about Strategic Manpower Outsourcing in Banking

Q1: Is strategic manpower outsourcing suitable for all banking functions?

A1: While strategic manpower outsourcing is effective for non-core functions like IT, customer support, and back-office operations, critical functions like risk assessment and regulatory compliance are usually retained in-house.

Q2: How can banks ensure data security when outsourcing?

A2: Banks must establish robust contractual agreements that outline data security and confidentiality requirements. Additionally, they should partner with outsourcing providers that comply with industry-specific data protection regulations.

Q3: Can outsourcing lead to job losses in the banking sector?

A3: While outsourcing may impact certain job roles, it can also create new opportunities within the sector. For instance, employees can transition to roles that require higher-order skills like relationship management and strategic planning.

Q4: What factors should banks consider when selecting an outsourcing partner?

A4: Banks should consider the partner’s industry experience, track record, technological capabilities, compliance practices, and cultural alignment before making a selection.



Strategic manpower outsourcing has emerged as a powerful tool for achieving operational excellence in the banking industry. By leveraging the expertise of external partners, banks can streamline their operations, improve cost efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Real-life examples demonstrate the positive outcomes of such partnerships. As the banking landscape continues to evolve, embracing outsourcing as a strategic approach can position banks for sustained growth and success.

Last Updated: August 29th, 2023 / Categories: Banking Sector, Manpower Outsourcing / Tags: , /